Know Thyself

Certificate in Relational Financial Planning

There is no hiding from it. Change is happening in our financial world and we can choose to be part of it or we can be left behind.

Recent events powerfully remind us that life is a quest for meaning. Our aim is to help you create the most meaningful context from which to live your life, run your business and make a difference to your clients.

This training course is unique. It’s about so much more than the money.

It starts with you. Are you ready?  

Tina signature

Tina Weeks
Founder of Know Thyself Academy


Certified Relational Financial Planner Training Programme


The financial planning landscape is evolving. Increasingly, advisers want their clients to be at the centre of what they do instead of the products, whilst running a successful and profitable business.

The relationship based approach is a way of achieving this shift in emphasis.

This course will specifically meet the need of those financial planners and other professional advisers who are looking to integrate the relationship based approach into their work. The programme will cover all the coaching and life planning skills necessary to work in this way.

More importantly……

We believe that before you acquire the skills necessary to implement and integrate the relational approach into what you do, you must look at yourself first. We believe this for one simple reason:

To understand others you must first understand yourself

This programme will give you everything you need to move to a relationship based approach in your business. It will also provide you with the personal development needed to ensure that this programme is transformational, both for you and your business.

We also know precisely what it takes to implement this approach into a regulated practice because we are pioneers in this approach. We are thrilled to share our experiences and learnings with you.

Finally, this course is structured to allow us to deliver training to you in a personalised way that best meets your individual needs, rather than generic learning. No other training course does this to this extent.


This training programme is for those who:

  • Are looking for a new way
  • Understand that change starts with them
  • Believe that financial planning can change lives
  • Are able to commit the time, money and effort required to complete this training Are ready to learn more about themselves
  • Know that they change the world of financial advice by being that change themselves
  • Want to make a difference
  • Want to explore how relationships can be the delivery system for change in the lives of their clients
  • Want to help their clients to see what is truly possible for them in their lives and take the steps to make that possibility a reality
  • Are open to learning about themselves
  • Are curious

We will adopt an iterative learning process that teaches coaching by doing and focuses on evidence based outcomes as the measure of progress.

Group Sessions

We will use live group sessions where there is a high level of interaction and participation, accelerating the learning process. We will go through our coaching methodology providing you with a step by step approach.

Peer group learning

Your group and your shared experiences will be a key part of your learning.


If you complete the full course and meet the learning requirements you will be awarded the Certificate in Relational Financial Planning. This will require ongoing assessment to be maintained.


12 week program

6+ live sessions (2hrs)

8 one to one sessions

12 Peer to Peer coaching sessions

Your investment

£3,500 + VAT. Payment terms available. This fee will be higher for future groups.

Ongoing coaching

Once you have completed the course you will be invited to join the ongoing coaching program where you can continue to learn and improve.

Learning outcomes 

For an application pack please email or complete the form below.

Financial planning is at the point of maximum opportunity.

Now is the time to change lives.

Tina Weeks


Dates for the next CRFP training

Dates of forthcoming CRFP training
The next course will starts on the 28th April 2022
Places are limited. Please complete the application form below to apply. You will be called to determine if the group is a suitable fit for you before your place can be secured.
Dates for the live group sessions:
28th April
5th May
19th May
26th May
9th June
23rd June
7th July
14th July

All will be 10am till 12pm: 


See our Frequently asked questions page

Application form for the Certificate in Relational Financial Planning

3 + 14 =

Contact us

To sign up to our next cohort of the Certificate in Relational Financial Planning click here

To contact us please complete the form